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Welcome to –

Post your Webinar, Web event , YouTube or other video here ! serves two purposes.  First, it allows those who want to promote an idea, demonstrate a product, educate/train new skills, show “how-to“ videos, or even talk about a hobby via a webinar, web event or pre-made video as long as it can be accessed by a URL.
Second, it serves as a central directory for those who want to browse some common areas of interest, learn something new, or improve and hone their current skills.



Q. Do I have to register to post?
A. Yes. All posts must be approved.
Q. Who approves the post?
A. We do.
Q. What are the criteria for approval?
A. We consider ourselves under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. We have posted under “Our Terms” what we consider to be non-approved.
Q, How long for approval.
A. Right now 24 – 48 hours.
Q. What will you be charging once you start to charge?
A. We will be having a “per post” price as well as Membership levels.
Q. Can I post reoccurring events, like weekly?
A. That is being worked on as we speak. The answer is yes, soon.
Q. Are we allowed to charge for our events?
A. The answer is YES, however, I would recommend you use our site to offer a “Free” Sample to introduce your paid webinars. If you decide to charge – how to collect fees will be your responsibility…..we don’t want to touch your money.
Q. Can I link my YouTube videos to your site?
A. Any Presentation that has an URL can be added.

Q. How Long will my post be up?
A.  60 days

Q. How much will you charge after 2021?

A. Those who post now will receive a FREE COUPON CODE to renew their post every two months to renew until Jan 1, 2023.  After 2021 we will selling memberships for posting web events.   

Our Vision:

We would hope that becomes an exchange of professional, leisure, and educational ideas. What can you teach me? Tell us about your business, your hobbies, things you like to do, tips you would like to share, proven steps to success, etc……  This is not a place to vent, Visit to post political commentary. 


Generally, if you post something that would, in my opinion, offend my Aunt Minnie, then it will not be approved. Keep in mind, my Aunt Minnie had thick skin and was one of the toughest women I ever met. So, let us keep everything professional, fun, and friendly, and not offend Aunt Minnie.



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